Coffee Cup Solutions
Unit 3, Millars Brook, Wokingham, RG41 2AD
August 2022
Owner contact email:
This Social Responsibility Policy is a declaration of our commitment to uphold the following principles in all that we do. Coffee Cup Solutions (CCS) is accountable for our impact on society, the economy, and the environment. We are transparent in our decisions and activities that may impact society and the environment.
Ethical Conduct
CCS will behave in an ethical manner with honesty, equity, and integrity.
We will uphold respect for human rights: we recognise their importance and universality.
Environmental Responsibility
CCS will identify the sources of pollution and waste relating to our activities and implement measures aimed at preventing these, using the waste management hierarchy and ensuring proper management of unavoidable pollution and waste.
We will take all necessary steps to improve sustainability by identifying our use of energy, water, and significant materials, implementing measures to reduce consumption. Where possible, we shall complement or replace non-renewable resources with sustainable, renewable, and low-impact alternatives, including recycled materials.
CCS endeavours to take steps to reduce vulnerability to climate change, addressing both risk and opportunity.
As part of our ongoing sales initiative, we commit to planting a small forest of trees when new partnerships are formed.
We will work with and support our customers in their achievement of sustainable environmental improvements and, where we have the freedom to choose, shall purchase from suppliers who align with our environmental principles.
Health, Safety, and Well-being
We are fully committed to operating safely and taking occupational health, including mental health, seriously.
We have established, and will review and update, programmes that promote health and well-being.
Human Rights and Equality
We uphold the principles of the International Bill of Human Rights, which states:
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
If we consider operating outside of the UK or engaging with suppliers whose goods or services derive from outside the UK, we shall exercise due diligence to ensure that we not only meet our legal obligations but behave responsibly. We shall be alert to the risk of complicity in human rights abuse.
CCS is committed to creating a work environment free of harassment and bullying, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We are dedicated to preventing discrimination and ensuring equal pay for work of equal value.
We provide conditions of work that enable our employees to enjoy a good work-life balance, considering hours of work, weekly rest, holidays, health and safety, and the ability to combine work with family responsibilities.
Training and Development
As well as training and development related to the worker’s role, CCS will provide broader initiatives to promote human development.
Community Engagement
Within our local communities, we will engage with charities to provide voluntary opportunities for CCS employees on an annual basis.
We commit to pledging donations to local charities when new partnerships are generated in the local community.
Review and Maintenance
CCS is committed to, and responsible for, reviewing and maintaining this document in line with evolving recommendations that could impact our social commitments.